We’re here to help you

Overcome obstacles and embrace challenges

What Is aBA?

“ABA” stands for “applied behavior analysis.” 

It is a type of therapy that can improve social, communication, and learning skills through positive reinforcement.


All your child’s goals can be observed and measured

Socially significant

The “why?” behind all of your child’s goals. Why is it important that they learn this skill? Is it important?


Only research based teaching methods are used, so your child learns new skills quickly


ABA is 1:1, which allows for continual tracking of your child’s progress

Meaningful Change

All of your child’s goals are selected to ensure that the skills they learn will make their life better


Family members are taught strategies to help their children use newly learned skills at home & in the community

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a process that uses behavioral principles to understand and change human behavior. The process begins with identifying a specific behavior that needs to be changed or improved. The behavior is then observed and recorded to gather data and determine patterns and possible causes of the behavior.

Next, a behavior plan is developed based on the findings of the data analysis. The plan includes targeted goals and interventions which are tailored to the individual’s specific needs. These interventions are implemented and progress is continuously tracked and measured.

Throughout the process, positive reinforcement is used to encourage and motivate desired behaviors while negative reinforcement is used to discourage and eliminate undesirable behaviors. Data is consistently collected and analyzed to ensure the effectiveness of the interventions and to make adjustments as necessary.

ABA is used to teach a wide range of skills, including communication, socialization, and daily living skills, to individuals with developmental disabilities, mental health disorders, and other behavioral challenges.